Tuesday 6 April 2010

400 words about the ideas behide my statement.

Simple, Modern, Changeable, Fuck.

Wouldn’t it be great if we would create a statement that can evolve with you? Your decision making, society and the things you may want to stand for in the future. Our minds are always changing; our futures are always switching paths so why should we be expected to stick with a statement to live by.
Statements therefore should be adaptable and easily changed for those moments when something happens that you want to speak out about. On my statement board I have used chalkboard paint and drawn on the statement word using chalk, this means that my statement can always be changed and adapted to where ever my future takes me or whatever I would like people to know I feel strong about. I can always change my opinion and have the freedom to stand for something new.
With so much going on in the world and so many busy people with no time to spare, when it comes to design I like to think of it as an escape from the real world, shown in the mass of white space in my statement. My own space to be able to express my personality and be free, I express this through the simple and modern design. In the statement this is shown in the background which is just as important to me as the word read out by its viewers.
An expression of my personality in my work is important to me, so when it came to a personal statement there had to be something bold and strong willed in there which is shown in the splash of red along the white and black which makes it the stronger and bolder colour of the three.
So we come to the bold word, FUCK. This word sums up everything expressed and meant in the background of the statement, it is likely to be one of the boldest words in the English dictionary which can easily express my personality. I like to be bold when expressing things or designing things, it’s all about getting straight to the point and making your viewer see what you’re trying to say. I like to think we make and decide on our own futures, we set out what we want and set our goals to achieve them. Fuck Destiny. Fuck Shyness. Fuck Normal. Get heard or you’ll get nowhere!

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