Wednesday 5 May 2010

Line Magazine

Line Magazine, a group magazine where we each decided to design two double page spreads each. We made decisions about the magazine together and where there was any disagreements we would make a vote to solve the decision. The body text which has earlier been posted is about the statement board I had previously made with the text FUCK on it, this is the title of the piece.
As the title is a very bold statement I wanted it to jump off the page when the viewer looks at the page, i selected the last sentence from the body text and made it the first thing you read by repeating it as a pull quote/extended title being Fuck Shyness, Fuck Destiny, Fuck Normal. Shyness, destiny and normal runs off the side of the first spread making the viewer want to turn the page to see what each word is saying.

The second page the body text follows on from the title making the viewers eye flow straight into the start of the text. I have flipped the text on its side to follow on from the last thing the reader read which was FUCK NORMAL, its reflected in the sideways text. Also the idea of having the text on its side is to completely fuck the reader off, reflecting back to the title of the magazine and what the text is about.

I think the spreads works very well together and is very bold reflecting the statement and the text. If i was to improve on this design I would remove the pull quote on the first spread in the bottom left corner and it distracts the viewers eyes back to the left of the page rather then continuing on to the next page.

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